STOBER wobble-free bushing allows interchangeable mounting

STOBER’s wobble-free bushing is a patented double side bushing system that mounts onto standard cold finished, ground, or stainless shafts. 

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STOBER’s wobble-free bushing is a patented double side bushing system that mounts easily onto standard cold finished, ground, or stainless shafts.  This unique design allows the unit to be mounted on the shaft from either side of the reducer by reversing the clamp side and support side bushings.  The clamp side is the accessible outside bushing and is interchangeable with the distinct support side.

The double-sided bushing is not installed into the unit at assembly, but with quick, easy-to-follow instructions, the unit and bushing are mounted on the machine installation.  The unit can be supplied with output covers on one or both sides, which protects the seals and covers the rotating bushing.

Dual tapered cones are designed to overcome a wide range of tolerances normally found with standard shaft materials.  No shaft key is necessary.

A variety of bushing bore sizes are provided for each reducer size.  The reducer output bore can be changed at any time by changing the bushing kit. 

In a washdown environment?  Don’t worry—the quill, all bushing parts, and hardware can be supplied as stainless steel to provide corrosion resistance for washdown applications.

If that’s not enough, STOBER products are backed by superior services, outstanding quality, and the STOBER guarantee.  Contact us today to discuss your wobble-free bushing application at (888) 786-2371 or email

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